Monday, November 28, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Perimeter Technologies Perimeter Basic Ultra Comfort Contain System

!±8±Perimeter Technologies Perimeter Basic Ultra Comfort Contain System

Brand : Perimeter Technologies
Rate :
Price : $159.95
Post Date : Nov 24, 2011 08:38:21
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Keeps your dog safely in the yard with a more gentle touch. The pet fence difference you can feel for yourself! It's one thing to make a product that keeps your pet safely in the yard, it's another to thoughtfully design a fence with features that make it safer and more comfortable too. Perimeter's exclusive Comfort Contacts cushion your pet's neck with soft rubber, unlike the hard steel probes used in other pet fences. Veterinarians prefer the softness of the Comfort Contacts to help reduce the incidence of skin irritations. Chances are you heard about pet fencing from a friend or neighbor. Why worry about buying a fence on the same frequency as your neighbor. The Perimeter Ultra Comfort Contact fencing you gives you the flexibility of changing the frequency. With the Perimeter Ultra Comfort Contact fence not only do you have the ability to change frequencies you also have the ability to change stimulation settings to achieve a custom range of correction options to fit your dog's specific tempermant. In fact, each dog's collar can be programmed to provide only the necessary correction level to be effective. Perimeter's exclusive Comfort Contacts cushion your pet's neck with soft rubber, providing a lighter touch solution to hard steel contacts. Veterinarians prefer the softness of the Comfort Contacts to help avoid serious skin irritations. TEMP CHECK(TM) - keeps the fence field stable and in the same location when outside temperatures change. Otherwise your fence boundary would move up to 100% when the temperature fluctuates between 30F and 90F degrees. Boundaries that randomly and unexpectedly move are frustrating and dangerous for your pet. WIRE CHECK(TM) - automatically compensates for wire problems and adjusts the amount of signal power to ensure the fence boundary remains in a constant location (no system can continue to function if the boundary wire has been completely cut). 12X BATTERY CHECK(TM) - monitors the status of the training collar bat

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Havahart Wireless Radial Shaped Dog Fence System

!±8± Havahart Wireless Radial Shaped Dog Fence System

Brand : Havahart Wireless | Rate : | Price : $349.00
Post Date : Nov 22, 2011 01:43:46 | Usually ships in 24 hours

The world first Digital Wireless Containment System to provide roaming up to 400 foot radius - up to 11.5 acres and close to 20 times more roaming area than most other brands.

More Specification..!!

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Monday, November 14, 2011

Home Security Checklist - 10 Ways to Keep Burglars Out

!±8± Home Security Checklist - 10 Ways to Keep Burglars Out

Even though residential crimes like break ins and burglaries have been on the rise in the United States over the past several decades, as a homeowner, there are multiple things you can do to keep these crimes from invading your home and putting your family and property in danger.

There are certain things that make a given home an attractive or "prime" target for a potential intruder and can threaten your home security. These include the following:

1. Vacancy. An empty home means that a burglar will run less of a risk of getting caught in the act. And homes that look like they have been vacant for quite some time are even safer bets. So, burglars are drawn to homes with unkept lawns, a build up of newspapers or mail in the mailbox or on the front stoop, and no lights.

2. Wealth. A home that appears to belong to a wealthy family is a more appealing target for a burglar because it suggests that there is a lot to be gained from breaking in. This is not to say that you should make your home look run down or shabby, but you should avoid being more ostentatious or showy than necessary.

3. Hiding places. Homes with bulky shrubbery or high fences around the perimeter offer potential intruders a place to hide and plot their entry without being noticed by neighbors or people passing by.

4. Opportunities for easy entry. Open garages, open windows, and unlocked doors can all be attractive to potential intruders.

Keeping the above points in mind, here is a list of 10 easy ways that you can improve your home security and keep burglars out:

1. Make it seem like there is someone home at all times by using light and sound. Automatic timers and motion detectors can be great tools for people who are on vacation or are otherwise going to be away from their home for an extended period of time.

2. Rather than hiding an emergency key under your doormat, leave one witha friend or neighbor. This means that it will not be easy for a potential intruder to find, and if you are going to be away from home, your neighbor or friend can come over once in a while to check up on your place.

3. When you are going on vacation, have someone come over to bring in the mail and newspapers so they do not pile up and alert burglars to your absence.

4. Make sure you have locks on all your doors and windows.

5. Invest in a home security system. A home alarm that goes off when someone enters your home uninvited is one of the best ways to scare away intruders.

6. Use bars on low level or otherwise easily accessible windows.

7. Keep your garage closed whether you are at home or not. This way, it will not be as obvious to burglars whether or not there is a car inside.

8. Document and insure your valuables so that they can be tracked and returned more easily if they are stolen.

9. Organize a neighborhood watch program. After all, multiple sets of eyes are better than one.

10. Be diligent about your home security. Do not slack off when it comes to protecting your home and your family. Be consistent and thorough.

Home Security Checklist - 10 Ways to Keep Burglars Out

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Underground Fence Vs Wireless - What is Better to Fit Your Dog Fence Needs?

!±8± Underground Fence Vs Wireless - What is Better to Fit Your Dog Fence Needs?

After fifteen years in the dog fence business I have seen a lot of products out there. Dog Guard, Pet Stop, Pet Safe, Dog Watch, Innotek and many more. I thought I would give my professional opinion on the best fence for the safety of your pet.

First is the underground, there are many brands to choose from. With a underground dog fence there is a transmitter typically installed in a dry area either in a garage or basement. After the transmitter is installed the loop wire is then installed. Some yards are larger than others so when you lay out the loop wire keep in mind that where you put the wire the dog will stay back anywhere from 4 feet to up to ten feet depending on the size of the yard. There are different methods that can be used to do this.

I would recommend calling the local tool rental store to see if they rent a machine for this, most of them do these days. Another way is to use a good lawn edger cut a slot then use a garden weed tool (short handled tool with a v at the end) to poke the wire down in the trench. When installing the wire remember to leave enough wire to get from the perimeter into the garage or basement. What I do is leave enough wire to insert both ends into my cordless drill and use the drill to twist the two together. Once twisted this area will not omit any signal so it will be safe for your dog to cross and safe in the garage or basement. This will also make it easy to lay the two wires in the same trench and easy to staple to the wall in the basement or garage. OK the wire is in three steps left. First use a skill saw with a asphalt blade to score a line in the driveway. After the score is done use a screwdriver to poke the wire into the score. To seal the drive I found that wet-dry roofing is not only the most cost efficient but also most effective. Next Place the flags the same distance away from the wire around the perimeter. Final step train your dog. As you can see there is a lot of work involved in the underground electronic dog fence.

The underground pet fence receiver activates when it enters the signal field and the wireless receiver activates when the receiver leaves the signal field.

OK now we now what is involved with the underground dog fence lets talk wireless.

The wireless pet fence is only manufactured by Pet Safe. The set up is simple depending on the size of your yard. Lets say you have a 1/4 acre lot.

On a 1/4 acre lot the ideal place to install the transmitter would be in the center of the house. Next install the transmitter by simply plug it in to a nearby outlet. After the transmitter is installed place the battery into the receiver. After the battery is installed it is time to mark the pets boundary with the flags. On a 1/4 acre the transmitter range will need to be turned close to all the way up. Unfortunately with the wireless fence it only works in a 360 degree radius of the transmitter, in other words up to a 90 foot radius around the transmitter making at total of 180 feet around. Take your flags and receiver and start walking to the edge until the receiver activates, then put in a flag. Continue around the property until you have flags about 10 feet a part around the entire property, then train your pet.

There you have it the wireless dog fence VS the the underground dog fence. If you have a small yard like a condo or town house then the wireless is probably for you. If you have a large yard then a underground fence is right for you. I my self have both I use the underground fence at home, not just to contain my pet but also it keeps him out of the gardens. I also have it wired in areas inside my house to keep them out of the cats area and the garbage. The wireless system I keep in my camper and flag a small area for them when camping. My dogs Chance, Frannie and Senior Nutts love the freedom at home or on vacation and I feel great knowing they are safe. I use the Pet Safe underground fence and the Pet Safe wireless system.

Thanks for reading more to come soon visit my blog for the latest post.

Underground Fence Vs Wireless - What is Better to Fit Your Dog Fence Needs?

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